Code Review for illumos-8620

Prepared by:Hans Rosenfeld (woodstoc) on 2017-Sep-07 15:03 +0200 CEST
Workspace:/export/ws/illumos-gate (at 82587d7b5293)
Compare against: /export/ws/illumos-gate (explicit revision f9a980108fef)
Summary of changes: 665 lines changed: 320 ins; 324 del; 21 mod; 7013 unchg
Patch of changes: illumos-8620.patch
Printable review: illumos-8620.pdf

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/Makefile.files

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
2 lines changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 2 mod; 274 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/apix/Makefile

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
3 lines changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 3 mod; 91 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/io/apix/apix.c

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
42 lines changed: 42 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 2568 unchg

------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --- New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/io/apix/apix_regops.c

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
252 lines changed: 252 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 0 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/io/pcplusmp/apic.c

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
119 lines changed: 20 ins; 86 del; 13 mod; 1248 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/io/pcplusmp/apic_common.c

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
42 lines changed: 0 ins; 41 del; 1 mod; 1706 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/io/pcplusmp/apic_regops.c

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
199 lines changed: 1 ins; 196 del; 2 mod; 244 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw usr/src/uts/i86pc/sys/apic.h

8620 pcplusmp shouldn't support x2APIC mode
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
6 lines changed: 5 ins; 1 del; 0 mod; 882 unchg

This code review page was prepared using /opt/onbld/bin/webrev. Webrev is maintained by the illumos project. The latest version may be obtained here.